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Traditional IRA

You are eligible to contribute to a Traditional IRA if you are younger than 73 for the entire tax year and you or your spouse has earned income.
This IRA allows you to defer taxes on earnings until withdrawn.
Contributions may be tax deductible in the year in which you make them.

Roth IRA

Regardless of age, you are eligible to contribute to a Roth IRA if you or your spouse has earned income and your modified adjusted gross income (MAG) does not exceed a certain limit.
This IRA allows only non-deductible contributions, but distributions after a five-year waiting period can be tax free.

We recommend you consult a tax or financial advisor about your individual situation.

IRA Rollover Information

For all IRA rollovers sent by check, please send them to the attention of ECU’s IRA Department.

For all IRA rollovers sent electronically, please contact ECU’s IRA Department in advance.

Thank you.