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Pre-Owned Vehicles

ECU Pre-owned Vehicles for Sale

Here you will find a listing of ready to buy ECU pre-owned vehicles. Vehicles are available for sale to both ECU members and non-members.

Find a Vehicle

If you are interested in a vehicle listed on this page, please email questions or bids to Pre-owned Info, call 254-776-7900 or 800-596-5460 and ask for ext. 2650 or ext 2340, or stop by the Main Office at 501 W. State Hwy 6 in Waco.


ECU offers low rates and flexible terms for both new and used vehicles. Contact a loan officer to discuss your options.

2019 Chevy Camaro Convertible
Details: Black with black cloth interior, 2-door LT, 3.6L V6, automatic transmission
Mileage: 96,000
Price: $17,000 or make an offer

All items are sold as is and have no warranty expressed or implied.
*Extended Warranty is available and all reasonable offers will be considered.